VNR #6 - The role of the Coach

- Boz explains the role of the coach is to provide clarification to athletes.- This clarification exists in both the short term and long term sense.- Strip away the unnecessary and focus on what needs to happen today.- Questions and topics from the community are addressed.- A trainer’s struggle to properly instruct the fundamentals to his group class is discussed.- An athlete’s concerns regarding how to improve his pull-ups during class is covered.- The question of “why are we training?” is a...

Om Podcasten

Hosted by Pat Sherwood & Adrian Bozman, each episode is packed with insightful & actionable information aimed at people passionate about CrossFit, health & fitness, as well as general strength & conditioning. If you are an athlete, coach, gym owner or simply enjoy improving yourself & those around you through fitness, you've come to the right place. A podcast brought to you by the BTWB team.