VNR #46 - Build Professional Coaches & a Great Gym

- Pat & Adrian interview Nicole Christensen, the owner of CrossFit Roots in Boulder, Colorado.- CF Roots began in 2009 in a one-car garage & has grown into a 5,000 square foot gym.- Nicole is a subject matter expert on developing some of the best coaches in the world.- She has created systems to ensure her members receive the experience they deserve & that her training staff remains top notch.- Nicole has also engineered her business in a way that provides a true career path for h...

Om Podcasten

Hosted by Pat Sherwood & Adrian Bozman, each episode is packed with insightful & actionable information aimed at people passionate about CrossFit, health & fitness, as well as general strength & conditioning. If you are an athlete, coach, gym owner or simply enjoy improving yourself & those around you through fitness, you've come to the right place. A podcast brought to you by the BTWB team.