VNR #33 - Training people with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy & Autism

- Adrian & Pat speak with John Mack, the owner of CrossFit All Levels in Windsor, Ontario Canada.- CrossFit All Levels opened in 2013, but in 2018 they started a special class for Adaptive Athletes.- This class originally had one member who had Down Syndrome, but has significantly grown over the years.- Adrian & Pat interview John as he shares how the program started, lessons learned as it evolved, and how it looks today.

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Hosted by Pat Sherwood & Adrian Bozman, each episode is packed with insightful & actionable information aimed at people passionate about CrossFit, health & fitness, as well as general strength & conditioning. If you are an athlete, coach, gym owner or simply enjoy improving yourself & those around you through fitness, you've come to the right place. A podcast brought to you by the BTWB team.