VNR #29 - Tips & tricks to help new parents maintain their fitness

- Pat already had 2 kids and now he has a 3rd child...a new baby girl that is only 13 weeks old.- Adrian talks with Pat about the ways he has found to keep working out with the added demands of a baby.- Pat’s baby girl, Layne, has Colic. This makes her an extremely challenging baby, which makes finding time to workout even harder.- Working out with minimal time (only 20-30 minutes) is discussed.- How to modify warm-ups, workouts and cool downs is covered.- Changing your mindset regarding fitn...

Om Podcasten

Hosted by Pat Sherwood & Adrian Bozman, each episode is packed with insightful & actionable information aimed at people passionate about CrossFit, health & fitness, as well as general strength & conditioning. If you are an athlete, coach, gym owner or simply enjoy improving yourself & those around you through fitness, you've come to the right place. A podcast brought to you by the BTWB team.