124: LTUK 2023 Highlights: AI, Adaptability and Impact – Donald H Taylor, Michael Osborne, Shannon Tipton & Laura Overton

We explore highlights of the Learning Technologies UK 2023 conference (LTUK23). Our guests, including the conference organiser, thirty under 30s cohort leader, speakers, social media team member and a session chairperson to share their different perspectives on the conference. Explore the major themes that emerged, including the curiosity about generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), the significance of adaptability in the face of change, and the enduring importance of impactful learning strategies. Host: Michelle Ockers Transcript and related resources: https://learninguncut.global/podcast/124/  Podcast information and more episodes: https://learninguncut.global/podcast/

Om Podcasten

Learning Uncut is about real conversations around real learning solutions and real experiences with real advice from real people. We’re all about keeping it “real.” Here’s an overview of our approach: Strategy and tactics. We want to unpack the strategy and how-to’s of creating great learning solutions, frameworks and teams. CONVERSATIONS, NOT SCRIPTED DISCUSSION Our podcasts are professional but not so edited and polished that they lose their authenticity. We want our audience to hear real people having real conversations and sharing real examples and advice. PROGRESSIVE We want to showcase the “unsung L&D heroes” out there doing great work, being brave and trying new things. PRACTICAL We invite our guests to share tips and strategies to help listeners take their solutions to the next level. We aim to provide actionable takeaways for our listeners through show notes, links and downloads wherever possible.