Clare Muscutt talks with Hannah Foley talking about balancing CX careers and motherhood!
Inspiring Women In CX - Ein Podcast von Clare Muscutt

Society demands women to be perfect. Our bodies, our careers, our relationships, our homes and even our mothering skills are all scrutinised and held to impossible standards. The more we take on, the more the more pressure we feel to be perfect at everything. Which ultimately means we feel we are failing at some (or all) of what is expected of us. The reality is we are all human and therefore flawed and fallible. And that’s ok! I was delighted to have founder of Yak CX, Hannah Foley on the show for some real talk about the pressure we feel as women in business to ‘have it all’ and the reality that we probably can’t. (Unless we get Kardashian-rich and outsource all the hard stuff). Tune in to hear Hannah’s story of building her career in the notoriously male dominated industry that is construction, her adventures in Nepal that led to the birth of her company, Yak CX, and her very honest perspective on the juggling act of motherhood with solopreneurship during lockdown. She is one inspiring Woman in CX! Read more and subscribe to our channels: Sign up Youtube LinkedIn Instagram Spotify Show notes Twitter