Clare Muscutt talks with CCO, Kate Thornton, about what it takes to have the edge in CX Leadership.
Inspiring Women In CX - Ein Podcast von Clare Muscutt

What does it take to have the edge when it comes to customer experience leadership? This is a question we continually ask in CX but seldom receive a straight answer. One usually hears the same old CX dogma of ‘needing the CEO on board’, ‘customer-centric culture’, or some kind of organisational design that puts CX itself in a position of power and authority. But few of us have ever sat close enough to the top table to really know for sure what it takes to influence at that level.. That’s why I jumped at the chance to talk with a woman who’s career led her to become a Chief Customer Officer, who ‘earned her stripes’ and who’s inspiring story has much to teach us when it comes to not only learning the secrets to being a true CX leader but also what it takes to become one. Kate Thornton is an incredible role model, who’s clarity and realisation of her own agency meant she started asking for what she wanted as she climbed the ladder to success. But the most inspiring thing is her perspective forged by her experiences of working in Scandinavia, that real success doesn’t come at the expense of others. In fact, the key to winning can be found by individuals and organisations who have higher goals to operate from a place of community, where success is shared. Read more and subscribe to our channels: Sign up Youtube LinkedIn Instagram Spotify Podbean Show notes Twitter