Clare Muscutt talks with Anita Siassios, about Women in Cyber Security & building female communities
Inspiring Women In CX - Ein Podcast von Clare Muscutt

Talking about talking about CX in tech, the importance of communities for women, and the power of women supporting one another to succeed. 'When women support each other, incredible things happen.' While both men and women benefit from having a network of well-connected peers, women who also have an inner circle of close female contacts are more likely to land executive positions with greater authority and higher pay. Why? Women trying to rise up into leadership face cultural and systemic hurdles that make it harder for them to advance. We overcome the hurdles by forming close connections with others, and learn from the shared experiences of women who have ‘been there and done that’. Communities for women are special places that make it easier to meet others, share our challenges and find the support we need to make headway. That’s why I was thrilled to have Anita Siassios on the show to talk about her experience of building communities for women in Cyber security in Australia and how she is working to include indigenous women too. Tune in to hear us talk about: 🤖 How Anita got into CX 🤖 The growing B2C cybersecurity risks 🤖 Creating communities for women 🤖 Supporting indigenous women in Australia 🤖 Acknowledging white privilege exists 🤖 The future skills needed by WICX 🤖 Building your CX peripheral vision Read more and subscribe to our channels: Youtube Sign up for free newsletter LinkedIn Instagram Show notes Twitter #womenincx #femaleentrepreneurs #inspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #girlboss #howtobeawesomeatcx #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #girlpower #femaleboss #podcast #womenincxpodcast #womenincxcommunity #claremuscutt