Clare Muscutt talks human Centred Design, Inclusion and LGBTQ+ Womxn in CX with Lara Husslebee.
Inspiring Women In CX - Ein Podcast von Clare Muscutt

Have you ever felt excluded? Been interrupted? Or felt shamed? We have all felt this way at one time or another. But for minorities, this can be a regular occurrence. Thankfully businesses now recognise the value of diversity and inclusion. ❌ But inclusion isn't an HR policy, D&I training or a hiring initiative. ❌ It isn’t flying rainbow flags during PRIDE. ✔️ Inclusion is creating a space and culture which enables all employees to feel safe to fully bring themselves to work. ✔️ To be seen, heard and celebrated for our differences, and valued for who we are. My awesome guest on the podcast this week, Lara Hussblebee, identifies as a Queer Woman in CX and came on the show to share how she is using Design Thinking and Human Centred Design to help companies understand and empathise with minority groups, on her mission to include the excluded. This episode reminds us that the most powerful way to include others is to remember the feeling you experienced, at the moment you felt excluded, and connect with it. As the most fundamental capability needed to include others is quite simply, Empathy. The biggest barrier to get over is often language. Not feeling awkward talking and avoiding conversations ‘just incase I say the wrong thing’ Lara talked passionately about the positive intent to include others being the most important thing. We all feel awkward when we are more worried about what to say. So let’s lean into that feeling, start the conversation, feel for one another, ask questions and simply listen Tune in to hear us geek out on CX Design, and talk about: 🌈 Finding our way into CX 🌈 Design Thinking and Human-Centred Design 🌈 The similarities and difference between design disciplines 🌈 The Future of CX 🌈 Being a proud queer woman in CX 🌈 Usability - serving practical needs 🌈 Empathy - serving emotional needs 🌈 Empathy and Gender 🌈 LGBTQ employee experience 🌈 Rainbow Youth 🌈 Co-creation with minority groups 🌈 Intersectional feminism 🌈 Including the excluded through HCD 🌈 Using our skills to support charities 🌈 Maxing communities stronger through HCD 🌈 Helping minority groups feel heard, seen and celebrated 🌈 What it means to be a great ally #LGBTQ #inclusion #humancentreddesign #designthinking #queerwomenincx #customerexperience #employeeexperience #diversity #womenincx #femaleentrepreneurs #inspiringwomen #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #girlboss #howtobeawesomeatcx #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #girlpower #femaleboss #podcast #womenincxpodcast #womenincxcommunity #claremuscutt