The Amazing Diversity of Solanaceous Crops with Dr. Sandra Knapp

This week, we explore one of the most important botanical families for food crops and medicine! Ever heard of nicotine or atropine? These tropane alkaloids from the Solanaceae family are just a few examples of pharmacologically active compounds from this group. I speak with Dr. Sandra Knapp, a world renown expert in the taxonomy of the Solanaceae, about tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, chili peppers and more! Want to learn more about this family? Check out the Solanaceae Source. Access the Broken Planet exhibit at the Natural History Museum London.  #tomato #potato #CropWildRelatives

Om Podcasten

Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? Not just where it’s grown today, but where it originally popped up in the world? Have you ever bit into a delicious ripe fruit and wondered, hey – why is it this color? What’s responsible for this amazing flavor? Is this good for my health? Could it even be medicinal? Foodie Pharmacology is a science podcast built for the food curious, the flavor connoisseurs, chefs, science geeks, plant lovers and adventurous taste experimenters out in the world! Join American ethnobotanist Dr. Cassandra Quave on this adventure through history, medicine, cuisine and molecules as we explore the amazing pharmacology of our foods.