The Economist Asks
Ein Podcast von The Economist
395 Folgen
The Economist asks: Is Brexit happening?
Vom: 28.2.2019 -
The Economist asks: Chiwetel Ejiofor
Vom: 21.2.2019 -
The Economist asks: Why is there always trouble in the Trump White House?
Vom: 14.2.2019 -
The Economist asks: how to tax the rich?
Vom: 7.2.2019 -
The Economist asks: Jacinda Ardern
Vom: 31.1.2019 -
The Economist asks: Is this the era of slowbalisation?
Vom: 24.1.2019 -
The Economist asks: What’s behind the new anti-Semitism?
Vom: 17.1.2019 -
The Economist asks: How pushy should parents be?
Vom: 10.1.2019 -
The Economist asks: Best of 2018
Vom: 3.1.2019 -
The Economist asks: The wordsmiths
Vom: 27.12.2018 -
The Economist asks: How is Trump changing the presidency?
Vom: 20.12.2018 -
The Economist asks: Brexit — what next?
Vom: 13.12.2018 -
The Economist asks: Is populism the problem or the fix?
Vom: 6.12.2018 -
The Economist asks: General Stanley McChrystal
Vom: 29.11.2018 -
The Economist asks: Brexit — can the deal be done?
Vom: 22.11.2018 -
The Economist asks: Anthony Scaramucci
Vom: 15.11.2018 -
The Economist asks: Where next for a divided America?
Vom: 8.11.2018 -
The Economist asks: Angela's exit
Vom: 1.11.2018 -
The Economist asks: What does it mean to be educated?
Vom: 25.10.2018 -
The Economist asks: Can America remain the world's biggest economic power?
Vom: 18.10.2018
One question posed to a high-profile newsmaker, followed up with lively debate. Anne McElvoy hosts The Economist's chat show. Recent guests include Henry Kissinger, Chris Patten and Maggie Gyllenhall.Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription.