Multiverse 5D @ M5D
Ein Podcast von Luciano Dias Yassuda @ Multiverse 5D
2346 Folgen
Jesus: O início das CURAS nas multidões (CdC-10) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
JESUS quase foi lançado à morte ao ensinar em NAZARÉ (CdC-9) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
O retorno de Jesus para Nazaré (CdC-8) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
FOCO sempre na SOLUÇÃO CORRETA! (CdC-7) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
As Horas Finais de Jesus no Deserto (CdC-6) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
AS LEIS DA EXISTÊNCIA - Cartas de Cristo (CdC-5) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
A Juventude de Jesus Cristo (CdC-3) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Mensagem de CRISTO PARA AS IGREJAS (CdC-2) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Cartas de Cristo: A Consciência Crística Manifestada Audiobook (CdC-1) Cartas de Cristo
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
JP mission to underground spaceport in US southeast - JP Update #18
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Visit to massive spaceport under an unknown South Atlantic island - JP Update 20
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Tracking past life memories to find space ark crews - JP Update #19
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
JP Update on ancient library at military base revealing history of arks on earth - JP Update #17
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
JP mission to ancient artifacts & civilizations found in Grand Canyon - JP Update #16
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
JP mission to underground civilization & Nordic spaceport - JP Update #15
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Visits to king of Ant people & ancient moon base - JP Update #14
Vom: 25.12.2023 -
Nordic ET supply missions to Ganimede & Europa's secret underground civilization - JP Update #13
Vom: 24.12.2023 -
Recovering stolen seeds from the tree of life & activation of a sleeping giant in Iraq JP Update #12
Vom: 24.12.2023 -
2nd mission to underground civilization & the missing gift for humanity - JP Update #11
Vom: 24.12.2023
Multiverse 5D @ M5D Topics: Alternative News Updates, UFO/UAP, Conspiracies, Paranormal, National Security, Secret Military Black Ops Affairs, Dumb Facilities, Remote Viewing, Downfall Of The Matrix, Schumann Resonance, Nanotechnology, Metaphysics, Golden Era, Extraterrestrials, Aliens, Mythology, Humanity Guardians, Giants, Anunnaki, Hollow Earth, Inner Civilizations, Crystalline Energies, Spirituality, Channeling, Multiverse, Parallel Dimensions, Legends and More. Please Share, Subscribe, Like & Comment! Truth Social: Instagram: @multiverse5dpodcast