Multiverse 5D @ M5D

Ein Podcast von Luciano Dias Yassuda @ Multiverse 5D

2344 Folgen

  1. Sinais de que Espíritos Sombrios estão IMPEDINDO o Contato com Seu Mentor - 02/03 21h00

    Vom: 4.3.2024
  2. JP & Dr Michael Salla com Demis Viana e Akashemoto - Entrevista internacional com militar e agente secreto JP

    Vom: 3.3.2024
  3. Elena Danaan e sua relação com o intraterreno Arkelios

    Vom: 3.3.2024

    Vom: 3.3.2024
  5. Rep. Andy Ogles | UFO Disclosure & The US Government

    Vom: 2.3.2024
  6. Operation Highjump: Admiral Byrd’s Secret Mission to Destroy Hidden Antarctica Nazi Base?

    Vom: 2.3.2024

    Vom: 2.3.2024
  8. O GEOCENTRISMO ESPIRITUAL por Louise Castanhedo

    Vom: 2.3.2024
  9. O grande reset planetário por mestre saint germain

    Vom: 2.3.2024
  10. Halu acompanha Resgate no Umbral de Espíritos da Época de Cristo - Relatos do Mundo Espiritual 02_10

    Vom: 2.3.2024
  11. 🔴 ASHTAR _ A VERDADE COMPLETA SERÁ REVELADA _ Kryon do Serviço Magnético

    Vom: 2.3.2024
  12. THE POWER OF CRYSTALS-Ep 02: Clearing a Crystal with Dan Willis, Elena Danaan & Jen Han /Aug 09 2023

    Vom: 1.3.2024
  13. THE POWER OF CRYSTALS -Ep 01: Choosing a Crystal with Dan Willis, Elena Danaan & Jen Han /06 23 2023

    Vom: 1.3.2024
  14. The Ancient Underground Castle with Gold Plates – JP Update #30

    Vom: 1.3.2024
  15. Mysterious Joplin ‘Butterfly People’ Revealed

    Vom: 29.2.2024
  16. Timeline Jumping & the Mandela Effect | Coast to Coast AM Official

    Vom: 27.2.2024
  17. DISCLOSURE: We Have Been Given The Signal To Begin..." - Ashtar Command Energy Update 2024

    Vom: 27.2.2024
  18. Dr. Michael Salla_US Army Insider Missions 2_Underground Cities, Giants & Spaceports_JP army soldier

    Vom: 26.2.2024
  19. QUEM COMANDA A EUROPA? | Professor HOC

    Vom: 26.2.2024
  20. Forty Years of Encounters with the Greys… What I Have Learned

    Vom: 26.2.2024

55 / 118

Multiverse 5D @ M5D Topics: Alternative News Updates, UFO/UAP, Conspiracies, Paranormal, National Security, Secret Military Black Ops Affairs, Dumb Facilities, Remote Viewing, Downfall Of The Matrix, Schumann Resonance, Nanotechnology, Metaphysics, Golden Era, Extraterrestrials, Aliens, Mythology, Humanity Guardians, Giants, Anunnaki, Hollow Earth, Inner Civilizations, Crystalline Energies, Spirituality, Channeling, Multiverse, Parallel Dimensions, Legends and More. Please Share, Subscribe, Like & Comment! Truth Social: Instagram: @multiverse5dpodcast

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