Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Ein Podcast von Lizard People - Freitags



313 Folgen

  1. Gaylor with Jess Svendsgaard

    Vom: 20.1.2023
  2. Bob Marley was Assassinated with Erin Byrne

    Vom: 13.1.2023
  3. Octopuses are Aliens with Erin Smith

    Vom: 23.12.2022
  4. The Infinity Gene with Michael Dean

    Vom: 16.12.2022
  5. New Podcast: Comfort Creatures!

    Vom: 9.12.2022
  6. New Podcast: The Monster Line!

    Vom: 2.12.2022
  7. We're Just Goofin' with Erin Byrne

    Vom: 1.7.2022
  8. Vegetables Aren't Real with Vic Michaelis

    Vom: 17.6.2022
  9. Science Rules! With Katelyn and Alexis

    Vom: 10.6.2022
  10. A Little Lizard Announcement

    Vom: 27.5.2022
  11. Aliens In Vegas with Katie Plattner

    Vom: 20.5.2022
  12. April Is The Blood Sacrifice Month with Adam Peacock

    Vom: 13.5.2022
  13. Tarot is Real with Arianna Lenarsky

    Vom: 6.5.2022
  14. Lotteries are Traps for Time Travelers with Rachel Chapman

    Vom: 29.4.2022
  15. The Government Is Hiding Sasquatch with Michael McMillian

    Vom: 22.4.2022
  16. Bathrooms Are Kinda Weird with Katelyn and Alexis

    Vom: 15.4.2022
  17. The CIA Wrote Wind of Change with DC Pierson

    Vom: 8.4.2022
  18. The Walking Dead is a Documentary with Jacquis Neal

    Vom: 1.4.2022
  19. The Dating Game was a CIA Plot with Brian Huskey

    Vom: 25.3.2022
  20. The Statue of Liberty is Actually Lucifer with Mano Agapion

    Vom: 18.3.2022

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What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join host, comedian and skeptic, Katelyn Hempstead and producer Alexis B. Preston, as their brilliant friends try to convince them of these and many other conspiracy theories.

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