Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold
Ein Podcast von Liv Albert and iHeartPodcasts

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Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book VII
Vom: 30.10.2020 -
My Favorite [Ancient] Murder, Nyx, Eris, and their Deadly Dynasty
Vom: 27.10.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book VI
Vom: 23.10.2020 -
Horror Comes in Many Forms… the Transformations of the Daughters of Minyas, Procne & Philomela
Vom: 20.10.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book V
Vom: 16.10.2020 -
Blood-soaked Trees, Erysichthon Eats Himself & Bonus Boogeywomen of Ancient Greece
Vom: 13.10.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book IV
Vom: 9.10.2020 -
The Lycanthropic Tale of Lycaon & Other Ghosts & Werewolves
Vom: 6.10.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book III
Vom: 2.10.2020 -
A Dramatic Ship Race & Someone Lands in Blood and Dung (The Aeneid Part 8)
Vom: 29.9.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book II
Vom: 25.9.2020 -
Augustus's Rome, Carthage & the History of Virgil's Dido (with Ancient History Fangirl!)
Vom: 22.9.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Odyssey Book I
Vom: 18.9.2020 -
RE-AIR Mini Myth: Who Let a Woman Found a City?! Dido Beyond the Aeneid
Vom: 15.9.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Iliad Book XXIV
Vom: 11.9.2020 -
No Earthly Ships, the Tragedy of the Aeneid’s Dido (The Aeneid Part 7)
Vom: 8.9.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Iliad Book XXIII
Vom: 4.9.2020 -
Liv Reads the Homeric Hymn to Hermes
Vom: 1.9.2020 -
The Trickster God Hermes, the Original Baby Genius
Vom: 1.9.2020 -
Liv Reads Homer: The Iliad Book XXII
Vom: 28.8.2020
The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.