Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast

Ein Podcast von Yadira Caro


128 Folgen

  1. Asking Questions: Alsy Acevedo

    Vom: 26.11.2020
  2. Adaptability: Crystal Kadakia

    Vom: 19.11.2020
  3. Team Management: Heather Younger, J.D.

    Vom: 11.11.2020
  4. Self-Awareness: Mark Metry

    Vom: 5.11.2020
  5. Public Speaking: Pilar Ortiz

    Vom: 29.10.2020
  6. Stress Management: Janell MacAulay, PhD

    Vom: 22.10.2020
  7. Humor: Kupe Kupersmith

    Vom: 15.10.2020
  8. Hardcore Softskills Podcast: Intro

    Vom: 5.10.2020

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Soft Skills make tech skills work. In each episode, host Yadi Caro delves into a different "soft skill" so you can learn how to master them for career success.

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