Happy Sad Confused

Ein Podcast von Josh Horowitz


621 Folgen

  1. Melissa McCarthy & Ben Falcone, Sam Rockwell & Anna Kendrick (Vol. II)

    Vom: 8.4.2016
  2. Don Cheadle

    Vom: 4.4.2016
  3. Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Vol. II

    Vom: 28.3.2016
  4. Miles Teller, Sebastian Stan

    Vom: 16.3.2016
  5. Mary Elizabeth Winstead

    Vom: 9.3.2016
  6. Taron Egerton

    Vom: 29.2.2016
  7. Jennifer Jason Leigh

    Vom: 22.2.2016
  8. Michael Mann

    Vom: 15.2.2016
  9. Gillian Jacobs

    Vom: 8.2.2016
  10. Joel Edgerton

    Vom: 1.2.2016
  11. Rob Corddry

    Vom: 25.1.2016
  12. Chloe Grace Moretz

    Vom: 18.1.2016
  13. Domhnall Gleeson

    Vom: 11.1.2016
  14. Natalie Dormer

    Vom: 4.1.2016
  15. Quentin Tarantino

    Vom: 28.12.2015
  16. Kurt Russell

    Vom: 21.12.2015
  17. Mark Strong

    Vom: 7.12.2015
  18. Ron Howard

    Vom: 23.11.2015
  19. Paul Bettany

    Vom: 16.11.2015
  20. Brie Larson

    Vom: 9.11.2015

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On Happy Sad Confused, Josh Horowitz gets nerdy and intimate with the biggest movie stars and filmmakers on the planet. Each and every week, you’ll hear in-depth, career-spanning conversations with everyone from Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson to Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it was like to get casual with A-listers like Tom Hiddleston or Kristen Stewart (all HSC regulars), then come on in and join Josh on Happy Sad Confused.

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