Ham Radio 2.0

Ein Podcast von Jason Johnston - KC5HWB


1560 Folgen

  1. E1375: FIRST LOOK! Open Source Android Radio | ComJot CJ-1

    Vom: 20.6.2024
  2. E1374: Ham Radio Happy Hour for Memorial Day Weekend

    Vom: 18.6.2024
  3. E1373: Don't Miss Out! XIEGU X6200 Pre-Order & Holiday Discounts!

    Vom: 17.6.2024
  4. E1372: VE2DX Products for Your HF Radios! ICOM, Yaesu, Kenwood

    Vom: 14.6.2024
  5. E1371: HUGE! Baofeng UV-25 10W Tri Band Hardened HT Radio

    Vom: 13.6.2024
  6. E1370: Expert Amplifier REVEALS New Taurus Amplifier at Hamvention 2024!

    Vom: 11.6.2024
  7. E1369: Icom REVEALS New Mystery Radio | ICOM X60 at Hamvention 2024

    Vom: 10.6.2024
  8. E1368: LIVE! From the Dayton Hamvention of 2024

    Vom: 9.6.2024
  9. E1367: FlexRadio REVEALS a New HF Radio at Hamvention 2024!

    Vom: 8.6.2024
  10. E1366: $150 HOTSPOT Made for Hams - The Hamspot!

    Vom: 7.6.2024
  11. E1365: LIVE! From the Hamvention Campsite!

    Vom: 6.6.2024
  12. E1364: $18000 Fine for Harmful Interference and Lack of Responsiveness

    Vom: 5.6.2024
  13. E1363: Meshtastic License Free Off-Grid Comms MADE EASY!

    Vom: 3.6.2024
  14. E1362: Ham Radio Happy Hour for May 2024!

    Vom: 31.5.2024
  15. E1361: Mother's Day SALES for Ham Radio! Battery and Solar Panels Sales!

    Vom: 31.5.2024
  16. E1360: HF Radio Nets - Who Owns the Frequency?

    Vom: 31.5.2024
  17. E1359: Ham Radio SAVES LIVES in Death Valley on 10-Meters!

    Vom: 28.5.2024
  18. E1358: Hamcon Zion Discussion - ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention Hamfest

    Vom: 27.5.2024
  19. E1357: Ham Radio Today - Discounts and Deals for May, 2024

    Vom: 23.5.2024
  20. E1356: Ham Radio License VS 4th Amendment Rights - Can You Have Both?

    Vom: 22.5.2024

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Join Jason, KC5HWB, as he focuses on 'What is New in Amateur Radio?' during this video podcast series titled Ham Radio 2.0. Talk about new radios, new transmission modes, License classes, Technical talks and trips around the world.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ham-radio-2-0--2042782/support.

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