Everything Everywhere Daily
Ein Podcast von Gary Arndt | Glassbox Media
1678 Folgen
Caesar, Pompey, Crassus: The First Triumvirate (Encore)
Vom: 16.1.2025 -
Chasing the Impossible: The Enigma of Perpetual Motion (Encore)
Vom: 15.1.2025 -
Vom: 14.1.2025 -
The Schlitz Mistake
Vom: 13.1.2025 -
The History of the Tomato (Encore)
Vom: 12.1.2025 -
Vom: 11.1.2025 -
The Ultraviolet Catastrophe and the Creation of Quantum Mechanics
Vom: 10.1.2025 -
Vom: 9.1.2025 -
Hosting the Olympics
Vom: 8.1.2025 -
The Canadian Parliament
Vom: 7.1.2025 -
The Black Death (Encore)
Vom: 6.1.2025 -
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Vom: 5.1.2025 -
The Vikings
Vom: 4.1.2025 -
Vom: 3.1.2025 -
The Periodic Table of the Elements (Encore)
Vom: 2.1.2025 -
Questions and Answers: Volume 26
Vom: 1.1.2025 -
New Year’s Traditions (Encore)
Vom: 31.12.2024 -
Vom: 30.12.2024 -
Game Shows
Vom: 29.12.2024 -
The Siege of Tobruk
Vom: 28.12.2024
Learn something new every day! Everything Everywhere Daily is a daily podcast for Intellectually Curious People. Host Gary Arndt tells the stories of interesting people, places, and things from around the world and throughout history. Gary is an accomplished world traveler, travel photographer, and polymath. Topics covered include history, science, mathematics, anthropology, archeology, geography, and culture. Past history episodes have dealt with ancient Rome, Phoenicia, Persia, Greece, China, Egypt, and India. as well as historical leaders such as Julius Caesar, Emperor Augustus, Sparticus, and the Carthaginian general Hannibal. Geography episodes have covered Malta, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Monaco, Luxembourg, Vatican City, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati, the Isle of Man, san marino, Namibia, the Golden Gate Bridge, Montenegro, and Greenland. Technology episodes have covered nanotechnology, aluminum, fingerprints, longitude, qwerty keyboards, morse code, the telegraph, radio, television, computer gaming, Episodes explaining the origin of holidays include Memorial Day, April Fool’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, May Day, Christmas, Ramadan, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Canada Day, the Fourth of July, Famous people in history covered in the podcast include Salvador Dali, Jim Thorpe, Ada Lovelace, Jessie Owens, Robert Oppenheimer, Picasso, Isaac Newton, Attila the Hun, Lady Jane Grey, Cleopatra, Sun Yat Sen, Houdini, Tokyo Rose, William Shakespeare, Queen Boudica, Empress Livia, Marie Antoinette, the Queen of Sheba, Ramanujan, and Zheng He.