ChinesePod - Advanced

Ein Podcast von ChinesePod


663 Folgen

  1. Media | 美财政部公布汇率报告;熊猫香香延期送还

    Vom: 9.10.2020
  2. Advanced | 饭圈女孩

    Vom: 7.10.2020
  3. Media | 联邦快递接受调查;波音季度亏损严重

    Vom: 5.10.2020
  4. Advanced | 科普小知识:水星上为什么没有水?

    Vom: 2.10.2020
  5. Media | 阿桑奇被逮捕; 中国联通开通eSIM

    Vom: 30.9.2020
  6. Advanced | 科普小知识:为什么白色动物很少见?

    Vom: 28.9.2020
  7. Media | 京都动画作品毁于一旦;电影《小Q》呼吁社会增加导盲犬认知

    Vom: 25.9.2020
  8. Media | 亚马逊在华水土不服;德国调低经济增长预期

    Vom: 23.9.2020
  9. Media | iPhone 降价提振销量; 日本施行新签证制度解决“用工荒”

    Vom: 21.9.2020
  10. Media | Internet Celebrity: Fresh Made Tea 崛地而起──现制茶饮成网红

    Vom: 18.9.2020
  11. Advanced | 最后一杯热拿铁 Part 3

    Vom: 16.9.2020
  12. Media | 人口与粮食:养活14亿人,中国为什么能?Part 2

    Vom: 14.9.2020
  13. Media | 人口与粮食:养活14亿人,中国为什么能?Part 1

    Vom: 11.9.2020
  14. Media | “压力山大”?一起看看各国的减压妙招!

    Vom: 9.9.2020
  15. Advanced | 科普小知识:为什么看到酸的食物就会流口水?

    Vom: 7.9.2020
  16. Media | Britbox 抗衡奈飞;宝马撤出英国

    Vom: 4.9.2020
  17. Advanced | 滥竽充数的故事

    Vom: 2.9.2020
  18. Media | 三文鱼皮、咖啡渣“变身”创意环保单品

    Vom: 31.8.2020
  19. Advanced | 最后一杯热拿铁 Part 2

    Vom: 31.8.2020
  20. Media | 疫情中的网络教学

    Vom: 31.8.2020

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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! In this Advanced Level Podcast Feed, lessons are the black-belt of ChinesePod - You can already speak circles around your friends, but are looking for “complete” fluency Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Intermediate Podcast channels. For a more in depth Mandarin Language learning, go to and take us for a spin.

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