ChinesePod - Advanced

Ein Podcast von ChinesePod


663 Folgen

  1. Media | 巴西国博失火

    Vom: 29.7.2022
  2. Advanced | 混血儿

    Vom: 27.7.2022
  3. Media | 美国新驻华大使

    Vom: 25.7.2022
  4. Advanced | 在中国上大学

    Vom: 22.7.2022
  5. Media | 利比亚局势

    Vom: 20.7.2022
  6. Advanced | 房奴

    Vom: 18.7.2022
  7. Media | 相声

    Vom: 15.7.2022
  8. Advanced | 同性恋亚文化

    Vom: 13.7.2022
  9. Media | 埃及剧变

    Vom: 11.7.2022
  10. Advanced | 鲁迅

    Vom: 8.7.2022
  11. Media | “停用死囚器官”的伦理与法治进步

    Vom: 6.7.2022
  12. Advanced | 世界经济危机

    Vom: 4.7.2022
  13. Media | 扎克伯格清华中文演讲

    Vom: 1.7.2022
  14. Advanced | 多音字

    Vom: 29.6.2022
  15. Media | 美元与人民币

    Vom: 27.6.2022
  16. Advanced | 情绪智商

    Vom: 24.6.2022
  17. Media | 色彩与性格

    Vom: 22.6.2022
  18. Advanced | 西藏“淘金”

    Vom: 20.6.2022
  19. Media | 为何要在雾霾中跑北京马拉松

    Vom: 17.6.2022
  20. Advanced | 春节采访

    Vom: 15.6.2022

19 / 34

ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! In this Advanced Level Podcast Feed, lessons are the black-belt of ChinesePod - You can already speak circles around your friends, but are looking for “complete” fluency Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Intermediate Podcast channels. For a more in depth Mandarin Language learning, go to and take us for a spin.

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