Business of Collaboration
Ein Podcast von

116 Folgen
PODCAST Hilligje van’t Land: The Role Of Higher Education In Innovation
Vom: 1.12.2019 -
PODCAST Marie-Elisabeth Rusling Where Are The Women Investors?
Vom: 24.11.2019 -
PODCAST Carolyn Downs: How Does A Company Become Innovative?
Vom: 18.11.2019 -
PODCAST Loubna Bouarfa: Bridging Artificial Intelligence With Improved Healthcare
Vom: 11.11.2019 -
PODCAST: Martin McGurk: Why Standards Are Critical In Innovation Management
Vom: 4.11.2019 -
PODCAST: Jeroen Tas, Chief Innovation Officer at Philips “We turned around the innovation mindset from technology driven to purpose driven”
Vom: 28.10.2019 -
PODCAST: Soraya Gadit, CEO Inocrowd “I believe in the power of a lot of minds working together”
Vom: 7.10.2019 -
PODCAST: Larry Sanger CIO Everipedia and co-founder Wikipedia “My career has been about decentralizing knowledge creation via the internet”
Vom: 23.9.2019 -
PODCAST: Martijn Leinweber on on How to manage the Space Entrepreneurship Community
Vom: 6.8.2019 -
PODCAST: Hans van ‘t Woud on How to create an Atlas for Planet Mars
Vom: 1.8.2019 -
PODCAST: Tim Will on The importance of Partnerships
Vom: 3.7.2019 -
PODCAST: Diego Menchaca from Teamscope “Analyse how the work is done now and what the bottlenecks are”
Vom: 28.6.2019 -
PODCAST ISPIM: Prof. Rohrbeck and Stefan Kohn from Deutsche Telekom “We cannot forecast the future, but we can influence it together”
Vom: 19.6.2019 -
PODCAST ISPIM FLORENCE: Prof. Kriz on Innovation leadership “Manage people carefully and differently”
Vom: 15.6.2019 -
PODCAST: Prof. Stefano Puntoni and Joost d’Hooghe on Collaboration “We sometimes need outsiders to point out our strengths, such as academics”
Vom: 4.6.2019 -
PODCAST ISPIM FLORENCE: Joanne Hyland on Innovation management “It’s about transforming the organization”
Vom: 2.6.2019 -
PODCAST ISPIM FLORENCE: Prof. Tucci on Innovation Management “If you are not interested enough, it is hard to convince others to support you”
Vom: 30.5.2019 -
PODCAST TALK: BASE Conference Lana Jelenjev and Veronica Guguian “We wanted to bring something else to a conference, we create a community”
Vom: 19.5.2019 -
PODCAST TALK: Lecture Olga Kokshagina “Innovative ideas need to have different people with different skill sets contributing to it.”
Vom: 6.5.2019 -
PODCAST TALK: Gina de Echeona How you can leverage IP in Music & Academic Industry “The crazier your idea the better, I am there for you”
Vom: 15.4.2019
We created the “Business of collaboration” podcast to feature conversations between a business executive and a professor to talk about life experiences and how to work together for a positive impact. We believe in connecting people on human being level to collaborate better. We believe in creating a conversation to enhance understanding and collaboration. We invite our listeners to discover new points of view through the stories told by our guest speakers. This Podcast is presented by Jara Pascual Founder of KNOWCO and collabwith