Business of Collaboration

Ein Podcast von


116 Folgen

  1. PODCAST Joe Haslam about Scaling Up vs Growth

    Vom: 30.5.2021
  2. PODCAST Patricia López sobre la Digitalización de la Salud y el Emprendimiento

    Vom: 16.5.2021
  3. PODCAST Alex Marquet from TiQuest about Digitalization and Entrepreneurship

    Vom: 9.5.2021
  4. PODCAST Bettina von Stamm about Exploring Innovation with Philosophical Observation

    Vom: 25.4.2021
  5. PODCAST Bobby Bahov about Innovation Technology and Finance for Startups

    Vom: 12.4.2021
  6. PODCAST Katja Schleicher about Communication and Innovation

    Vom: 27.3.2021
  7. PODCAST Sy Holsinger about EOSC-DIH and its Pilots

    Vom: 21.3.2021
  8. PODCAST Viktoria Gerukh on Emotional Intelligence for Marketing & Research

    Vom: 7.3.2021
  9. PODCAST Prof Julia Wolny about Sustainable Innovation and Collaboration with Industry

    Vom: 28.2.2021
  10. PODCAST Bianca Rangecroft about Sustainable and Digital Fashion

    Vom: 20.2.2021
  11. PODCAST Dr Barbara Buades about Photonics Industry and Entrepreneurship

    Vom: 14.2.2021
  12. PODCAST Magda Daniloaia about Sustainability eCommerce and Entrepreneurship

    Vom: 6.2.2021
  13. PODCAST Laura Nuñez sobre Digitalización de la Construcción y Plataformas Digitales

    Vom: 31.1.2021
  14. PODCAST Jara Pascual about Collabwith an Interview by Prof. Svein Tvedt Johansen

    Vom: 24.1.2021
  15. PODCAST Gisella Gil sobre la Innovación en el mundo de la Cosmética

    Vom: 16.1.2021
  16. PODCAST Ladeja Košir on Circular Change and Ecosystem Orchestration

    Vom: 30.11.2020
  17. PODCAST Sabine Stuiver on Entrepreneurship and Driving Innovation into the Market

    Vom: 25.11.2020
  18. PODCAST Carol Tarr about Investment, Women and Diversity

    Vom: 22.11.2020
  19. PODCAST Prof. Sally Davenport on Triple Helix, Open Research and Relational Leadership

    Vom: 19.11.2020
  20. PODCAST Lana Jelenjev on How to Build a Community

    Vom: 14.9.2020

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We created the “Business of collaboration” podcast to feature conversations between a business executive and a professor to talk about life experiences and how to work together for a positive impact. We believe in connecting people on human being level to collaborate better. We believe in creating a conversation to enhance understanding and collaboration. We invite our listeners to discover new points of view through the stories told by our guest speakers. This Podcast is presented by Jara Pascual Founder of KNOWCO and collabwith

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