Ancient Greece Declassified

Ein Podcast von Dr. Lantern Jack


63 Folgen

  1. R5 Philosopher Queens | Plato's Republic, book 5 w/ Mary Townsend

    Vom: 18.10.2021
  2. R4.5 Anatomy of the Soul | Plato's Republic, book 4 w/ Jonathan Lear

    Vom: 24.9.2021
  3. R4 Hogwarts and Kallipolis | Plato's Republic, book 4

    Vom: 7.9.2021
  4. 38 Alexander the Great: Inherited Glory w/ Adrian Goldsworthy

    Vom: 18.6.2021
  5. R3.5 Food for the Soul | Plato's Republic, book 3 w/ Angie Hobbs (pt. 2)

    Vom: 15.5.2021
  6. R3 Who Guards the Guardians? | Plato's Republic, book 3 w/ Angie Hobbs

    Vom: 30.4.2021
  7. R3 Who Guards the Guardians? | Plato's Republic, book 3 w/ Angie Hobbs

    Vom: 30.4.2021
  8. 35 Stoic Duty: The Formula for Living Well

    Vom: 15.4.2021
  9. R2.5 The Justice Loophole | Plato's Republic, book 2 w/ Rachel Barney

    Vom: 4.4.2021
  10. R2 All Men Would Be Tyrants | Plato's Republic, book 2

    Vom: 19.3.2021
  11. R1 The Hunt for Justice | Plato's Republic, book 1

    Vom: 21.2.2021
  12. R0 Plato's Republic, or: How to Stop a Civil War

    Vom: 16.11.2020
  13. 30 Rome's Most Lethal Weapon w/ Steele Brand

    Vom: 17.3.2020
  14. 29 Penelope: Weaver of Fate w/ Olga Levaniouk

    Vom: 1.2.2020
  15. 28 Thucydides: A Historian for Our Time? w/ Emily Greenwood

    Vom: 24.11.2019
  16. 27 Oligarchy, Part 2: Nemesis w/ Matt Simonton

    Vom: 1.10.2019
  17. 26 Oligarchy, Part 1: Genesis w/ Matt Simonton

    Vom: 1.9.2019
  18. 25 The Origins of Philosophy w/ André Laks (Presocratics, Parmenides, Heraclitus)

    Vom: 1.8.2019
  19. 24 A History of Inequality w/ Walter Scheidel

    Vom: 1.6.2019
  20. 23 Greek Religion and Its Discontents w/ Barbara Graziosi

    Vom: 1.5.2019

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The podcast that transports you to the ancient world and back, with some good conversation along the way. It's not just about ancient Greece. It's about a huge chunk of human history that the Greek texts give us access to: from Egypt and Babylon, to Persia, to Carthage and Rome, we'll sail the wine-dark sea of history with some expert guides at the helm. Topics will include archaeology, literature, and philosophy. New episode every month.

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