#1 with Professor Cal Newport on Deep Work and why focus is the most important skill in the future.

The Future of Work Podcast by Bertelsmann Stiftung connects you with the most inspiring experts and the latest ideas on the future of work. Our very first guest on this show is Cal Newport. He is a professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University and the author of multiple bestsellers on how to work better such as "So Good They Can't Ignore You" and "Deep Work". In our interview we talk about the art of getting things done in the digital age and why deep work is the most important skill in the future of work. This podcast is hosted by Lars Gaede. He is a journalist, consultant and conference-maker and one of the co-founders of www.workawesome.org.

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Von der künstlichen Intelligenz zum datengetriebenen Personal und dem Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft: Der Podcast "Zukunft der Arbeit" der Bertelsmann Stiftung verbindet Sie mit den spannendsten Experten und den neuesten Ideen für die Zukunft der Arbeit! From artificial intelligence to data-driven human resources and the workplace of the future: The Future of Work podcast by Bertelsmann Stiftung connects you with the most exciting experts and the latest ideas for the future of work!