Don't Go From Creature to Creature [Hikam 42]

ZamZamAcademy - Ein Podcast von ZamZamAcademy

A reminder for the seeker to keep sincere and self-examine their motives for spiritual success. "Travel not from creature to creature, otherwise you will be like a donkey at the mill: roundabout he turns, his goal the same as his departure. Rather, go from creatures to the Creator: "And that the final end is unto thy Lord." [Quran 53:42] "Therefore, he whose flight is for God and His Messenger, then his flight is for God and His Messenger; and he whose flight is for worldly gain or marriage with a woman, then his flight is for that which he flees to." So understand his words (upon him peace!) and ponder this matter, if you can. And peace on you!." (Hikam 42)

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