Yoga is not a commodity.

Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 186, “Yoga is not a commodity.” There may be a way for you to increase your revenue without having to work more hours… And as a yoga business owner, that probably is exactly what you want. Listen, this isn’t too good to be true. We aren’t just blowing smoke. When you understand that yoga is not a commodity, you can confidently price your service in a way that grows your revenue. You don’t need to serve more students. You might not ne...

Om Podcasten

Do you feel like you were meant to have a successful career in the yoga industry? Like you got into this industry to truly help your students but maybe you’re struggling to build a solid business foundation. Or you know that marketing your yoga business is essential, but don’t know how to make it effective for you? Maybe you have already had some success but you’re ready to scale to six figures. To build a profitable business it takes serious business skills, and a Yoga Boss mindset. When you’re ready to work on your yoga business, instead of in it this is the podcast for you. I’m Jackie Murphy, the business coach just for yoga teachers.