#37 Feeling is Healing - Interview with Dr. Scott Lyons

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE - Wanda Badwal - Ein Podcast von Wanda Badwal - Teacher for Yoga & Meditation, Author, Speaker - Dienstags

In this weeks episode Wanda is very happy to speak to Dr. Scott Lyons. Scott is a clinical psychologist with an emphasis on somatics in mind-body-medicine, he is an osteopath & the co-creator of Embodied Flow. Dr. Scott Lyons is dedicated to teach embodiment as a way of exploring human development, healing, growth and transformation. His deep passion is to integrate somatic practices, transpersonal inquiry and scholarly research into the creative and healing arts. Wanda trained with Scott and his business partner Tara Judelle for 300 hours in the style of Embodied Flow. At the end of their last training together, Wanda took the opportunity to record a conversation with Scott.They talked about: Emotions and the importance of feeling all of our feelings in order to heal and integrate. They also spoke about the symptoms of our modern day society such as anxiety, depression, loneliness and the feeling of separation and also how relationships and our need of being heard and seen are essential for our human experience. Wanda really loved this conversation with Scott and felt deeply moved during this interview. We hope you can take a lot from this podcast. Enjoy listening. In this Podcast you will hear about: - What are emotions ? - The understanding that there are no good or bad feelings - How to re-learn how to feel again - Why is it important to feel our feelings? - The art and practice of how to sit with uncomfortable feelings - Symptoms of our times: depression, anxiety, loneliness - The feeling of separation & the importance of human relationships Dr. Scott Lyons Website: https://www.drscottlyons.com “What breaks my heart is that there are people in this world that feel alone, separate, stigmatised, un-met, un-seen, and have not been offered the time and space (or it hasn’t been safe enough) to experience their deepest sense of self, and how the self is in relation to everything and everyone else that’s exploring the same recognition of their existence.” - SCOTT LYONS