#29 Heart to Heart Communication - Conversation with Sophie Parienti & Jean-Christophe Gabler
REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE - Wanda Badwal - Ein Podcast von Wanda Badwal - Teacher for Yoga & Meditation, Author, Speaker - Dienstags

In this episode Wanda is speaking with Sophie Parienti and Jean-Christophe Gabler, relationship and communications coaches, and the founder and editors of YOGI TIMES - an online lifestyle guide for the modern yogi. They are also pioneers in the movement of setting peoples souls on fire, shaking them up - with the energy of love and connection in order to reach their highest potential. They are married with a son, work and live together in Bali, Indonesia. Sophie has been until today an important inspiration in Wanda‘s life. She has been her coach during the years Wanda lived in Bali. She has learned a lot about herself, relationships, and the practice of non-violent communication. For Wanda the work with Sophie and the art of Non - Violent Communication has changed her relationships and her life greatly which is why she is super happy now to be able to share this knowledge with you. May it support and transform your communication in relationships for the greater. In this podcast you will learn about: - the reasons why communication in relationships is so challenging - the practice and technique of Non-Violent-Communication ( NVC ) / in German language ( GFK ) - what a 'heart to heart' communication means - how we can speak our truth in a non-judgmental, non-accusing way - what are some secrets to create an amazing, fulfilling relationship Get in touch with Sophie & Jesse: www.sophieparienti.com YOGI TIMES: www.yogitimes.com @yogitimes @yogitimes_bali ´Transformative Communication Online course: https://yogi-times-university.teachable.com/p/transformative-communication-nvc-conflict-relationships