#Ep. 32: Marius Brînzea, Reciclad'Or: The GSR costs will grow exponentialy in 2025 and 2026 🍷

The guarantee-return system represent a (recoverable) expense for the consumer, but is also a complex and difficult to evaluate economic process for producers and retailers. Packaging recycling is a priority assumed by law, but the way the new regulations will impact the market is still difficult to understand and evaluate.Marius Brînzea, strategy manager Reciclad'Or, explains what we can expect during the following years. ♻ 🎙️ The Wines of Romania podcast is inspired by Deschidem Vinul Românesc (We Open the Romanian Wine), a national program developed by Carrefour Romania, dedicated equally to consumers and producers of Romanian wines.

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🇷🇴 Wines of Romania este primul podcast dedicat vinului romanesc. Disponibil in format video (YouTube), cat si audio, aduce la microfon jurnalisti, influenceri, producatori de vin, oenologi, critici, proprietari de restaurante de top – pe scurt, pe toti cei care isi pot pune amprenta asupra felului in care este perceput vinul romanesc, atat in tara, cat si in lume. 👉🏻 WinesOfRomania.com 🇬🇧 Wines of Romania is the first podcast dedicated to Romanian wine. Available also in video format 👉🏻 check Wines of Romania YouTube now and 👉🏻 WinesOfRomania.com platform.