How To Better Manage Your Emotions and Stay Calm (with Recommended Books) [Podcast]

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that sometimes, your emotions make you make stupid moves. For me, anger is one that comes to mind. When you’re angry, you react, yell, and argue back. Unfortunately, these behaviors may not be the best behavior for a situation, which may only make things worse. Our emotions come from the reptilian part of our brain, a region that existed in human’s evolution before the cognitive areas developed. This brain region is reactive and helps us make split-second responses. But in modern life, it can sometimes hurt more than help us since we don’t need to react to a tiger attacking us. That’s why managing your emotions is essential to success. When you think of the world’s most successful people, whether they’re leaders or athletes, you can tell that they have strong mental fortitude and control of their emotions. That control lets them communicate most effectively with people, choose the right behaviors, and make the most of their interactions. When you think of unsuccessful or average people, they’re more likely to be impulsive, reactive, easily offended, going off their first reaction. I think of people who get offended over a trifling comment and turning that into a long fight with a stranger. That’s why this podcast episode explores how to better manage your emotions. Like this show? Please leave a rating here — even one helps!

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