Admiral Nimitz and Leadership in the Pacific - 1944

Why We Fight ~ 1944 - Ein Podcast von Sasha Maggio (MoT)


Joining me in this episode is historian Trent Hone, continuing to share stories and insight of Admiral Nimitz in the Pacific and the unique challenges he faced in trying to effectively coordinate assets and work with other commanders. In this episode, Trent brings up the Battle of Leyte Gulf and the Battle off Samar, both of which have dedicated episodes coming up with Dr. Regina Akers from the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC), US Army veteran, historian, and author Dr. James Young, and retired US Navy LCDR Parks Stephenson. There is also an episode on Kamikaze attacks with Guy Nasuti, US Navy veteran and historian with the NHHC.LinksMastering the Art of Command: Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Victory in the Pacific by Trent Hone (Amazon)Learning War: The Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the US Navy, 1898 - 1945 by Trent Hone (Amazon)Major Fleet-Versus-Fleet Operation in the Pacific War, 1941 - 1945 by Milan Vego (Amazon)The Allure of Battle: A History of How Wars Have Been Won and Lost by Cathal Nolan (Amazon)The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the US Navy's Finest Hour by James D. Hornfischer (Amazon)Nimitz at War: Command Leadership from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay by Craig L. Symonds (Amazon)Mother of Tanks website ( Bonus Content (

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