Finding the Courage to Step Out of Corporate America and into True Fulfillment with Kristy Kuhl

Hello soul friends! Today, I am chatting with Kristy Kuhl, a former corporate employee turned entrepreneur with multiple businesses. After making a list of everything that made her feel fulfilled, Kristy realized she needed to leave her career to achieve true fulfillment in life. She is now a passionate advocate for providing women with the resources and tools to live a more fulfilling life.   I want this episode to encourage you to pursue your own passions, even if it means facing fears and getting out of your comfort zone. We can all learn from Kristy’s story. It is important to trust our intuition and break free from patterns that may be holding us back. I truly believe it’s never too late to make a change and live a life aligned with one's values.   Get to know more about Kristy by visiting and follow her on Instagram    Check out the Ladies Lifestyle Network at and follow them on Instagram    Grab tickets to the upcoming Ladies Lifestyle Network Social on March 30th:    To learn more about the Charlotte Angels, visit Instagram:    The National Angels’ mission is to walk alongside children, youth, and families in the foster care community by offering consistent support through intentional giving, relationship building, and mentorship. To find a local Angels chapter near you, visit Instagram:    Please follow along with A Well + Nourished Soul podcast on your favorite listening platform and leave a rating and review of the show. If you want to dive even deeper, visit to join our private community.   Schedule an individual coaching session with me:  Come connect with me on Instagram @AshleyJGeorge. I love hearing from you!

Om Podcasten

Ashley George is the creator of Wonder and Wear blog, which is focused on lifestyle and mom tips, fun fashion, fitness, and wellness. She is a former hairstylist, certified personal trainer, and a mom to three kids - two girls and a boy! A Well + Nourished Soul is here to chat about all things health and wellness for women and moms. Ashley hosts open conversations about the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of women’s health, as well as how those relate to taking care of our families. This is an informative, yet uplifting space full of interviews with interesting and knowledgeable guests!