Espree Devora: Prioritizing Health as an Entrepreneur: WeAreLATech Startup Spotlight

Today Espree Devora and Cory Jennings (Editor of WeAreLATech) talk about maintaining a healthy mindset as an entrepreneur. They talk about their insights and experiences on how to cultivate a positive mindset and prioritize self-care while building a successful business. Connect with us at and on all social @WeAreLATech and @EspreeDevora. If you’d like to start a podcast for your company check out

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WeAreLATech spotlights startups fueling this city to become a top destination for tech and innovation, we feature Los Angeles startups, investors and Los Angeles Tech influencers on our weekly podcast. WeAreLATech is the 1st Podcast Focused on LA Tech Startups. It's produced and hosted by Espree Devora born and raised LA, recently featured as top 30 women in tech to follow by Inc Magazine. We are a family. Created by LA Tech for LA Tech.