You Don't Have to be Rich to Change My World

Election season is upon us. Once again we have the opportunity to use our voice as voters to shape our world for the better. But we've been here before... Are we right to focus so much of our energy on the outcome of a single election? Are we forgetting about the countless options we ALL have to make a difference through our daily actions by focusing so much on the influence of one person in public office? What if we believed politics was one of many tools to explore, rather than our only path to true change? Nathan explores the differences between the power we give ourselves and the power we give others to make this world a better and more equitable place for people and planet.Join us in two weeks! We speak with Claire Kells of the United Nations Global Compact, which is changing global business for the better one corporation at a time.

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You want to change the world? So do we. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by our challenges it’s time to get informed and find solutions. There are people changing the world every day and you can help. Join us as we speak with visionary business leaders, nonprofits, artists, and everyday people who are making an impact. From sustainability to human rights, host Nathan Gardner shares concrete ways you can make a difference exactly where you are. Tune in, get informed, get inspired, and take action. Subscribe and share these stories with others. A better world is possible so let’s build it. Let’s change the world.