Recycling is Not the Answer to Plastic: Final Co

Instead of more animals, let’s make ocean plastic go extinct. Every minute, the equivalent of ONE GARBAGE TRUCK full of plastic enters the oceans. And currently ONLY 9% of plastic is ever recycled. Single-use plastic is a problem, but we can change that. Join us for a conversation with Emma Rose Cohen, CEO and founder of FinalStraw – the world’s first collapsible, reusable metal straw. Emma takes us through the plastic problem, what has created it, and how to stop plastic pollution in its tra...

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You want to change the world? So do we. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by our challenges it’s time to get informed and find solutions. There are people changing the world every day and you can help. Join us as we speak with visionary business leaders, nonprofits, artists, and everyday people who are making an impact. From sustainability to human rights, host Nathan Gardner shares concrete ways you can make a difference exactly where you are. Tune in, get informed, get inspired, and take action. Subscribe and share these stories with others. A better world is possible so let’s build it. Let’s change the world.