2021 Could Be the Year Everything Changed

Finally, a fresh start. Time for new ideas about what we can be and do, individually and collectively. We’re still taking things one day at a time and doing our best to stay centered during some crazy times, but there’s so much we can do right now to get ready for a better world ahead. Nathan explores how we can set intentions now to come out of 2021 better than we’ve ever been. We have an opportunity to build a new foundation this year so that 2022, 2023, and beyond reflect the world we want to live in now. Let’s not miss this opportunity. Let’s commit ourselves now to doing all we can to focus on creating solutions. Let’s build this community into a movement for good today.

Om Podcasten

You want to change the world? So do we. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by our challenges it’s time to get informed and find solutions. There are people changing the world every day and you can help. Join us as we speak with visionary business leaders, nonprofits, artists, and everyday people who are making an impact. From sustainability to human rights, host Nathan Gardner shares concrete ways you can make a difference exactly where you are. Tune in, get informed, get inspired, and take action. Subscribe and share these stories with others. A better world is possible so let’s build it. Let’s change the world.