... with Emily Weiner

In this episode of WAS MIT KUNST, Johann König speaks with painter Emily Weiner, whose exhibition TIME AND TIDE is currently on view at KÖNIG GALERIE. Emily Weiner’s paintings consider the art canon through a feminist and Jungian lens. By reconfiguring symbols that have been recycled throughout the history of art, her work questions how archetypal images are shared across generations – and how familiar symbols might be reordered to generate new, collective understanding. Weiner approaches each painting intuitively, and by working in many layers of paint, finds synchronicity in combinations of colors, forms, and symbols. She creates multimedia frames to further demarcate spaces of suspended disbelief in each of her paintings. In the podcast, König and Weiner speak about her artistic practice, her sources of inspiration, and about the exhibition TIME AND TIDE.

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In “Was mit Kunst” lichtet Johann König den Schleier der exklusiven Kunstwelt, indem er Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kunstsammler*innen interviewt. Die Gäste sprechen über ihren Werdegang, ihre Werke und reflektieren die Entscheidungen, die sie in ihrer Karriere getroffen haben, wie sie Hindernisse überwunden und sich von Zuschreibungen frei gemacht haben. Ein einmaliger Zugang zu prägenden Akteur*innen der Kunstszene