My recovery from an eating disorder (bulimia)
New Views with Ariel Niu - Ein Podcast von Ariel Niu

What led me to an eating disorder, and the unconventional things I did over the years to lead myself out. This is my journey to self-love. DISCLAIMER: This video has been created for educational, informational, and harm-reduction purposes. We are not licensed medical professionals. We do not provide or encourage psychoactive or controlled substance use. Any information received are to educate and not to be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. This video abides by the community safety guidelines and is eligible for monetization. Thank you and enjoy. This video is the highlights from @niu.views' Instagram Live held on 03/08/2022 0:00 Introduction 1:05 How it Started 4:40 Extreme Weight Loss 5:23 Emotional, Mental, Physical Affects 7:00 Depression 8:14 Psychological Release 10:33 Health Deterioration 11:25 Initial Recovery Steps 13:28 Spiritual Awakening 14:30 Covid and DMT 15:44 Filling Foods for Recovery 20:30 Integration with Society 21:56 Self-Love 24:55 Food Freedom 26:24 Social Boundaries 28:12 What I Eat Now CONNECT WITH NIUVIEWS: Instagram - TikTok - 'Views of Niu' Podcast via Spotify - 'Views of Niu' Podcast via Apple - The NiuViews Shop - Find all my links here - NIUVIEWS SKINCARE PARTNER: Herbal Face Food - Save 20% on Herbal Face Food with code "NIUVIEWS" The most potent Multi-Purpose, Anti-Aging, Multi-Correction skincare on the market, and it is all natural. Google them. 20+ Rarest Botanicals. 100% Plant (not just plant-based). ABOUT NIUVIEWS: I am Ariel Niu, creator of NiuViews (@niu.views I create content to inspire higher levels of thinking, speaking, and living. I am experiencing the connections in all things, and I share my new views with the world. Follow my stories and views on consciousness, the self, connections with others, and the connections in all things. The Views of Niu expand through my real-life experiences and remote living travels. ➟ subscribe to the Views of Niu: #eatingdisorder #bulimia #bulimiarecovery #foodrelationship #NiuViews #recovery #eatingdisorderstory #bingeeating #psychedelics #consciousness #storytime #emotionaleating #edrecovery #balance #higherliving #consciousliving