How to make your biggest dreams in life actually happen

New Views with Ariel Niu - Ein Podcast von Ariel Niu

Life-changing tips when setting big goals in life! Extended Version: KEY TIPS: Vague Goals = INSECURITIES. Clear Goals = CONFIDENCE Vague Goals = when a person is not fully intentional and committed to their goals + does not fully believe their goals can happen Everything intentional we experience are all technically goals fulfilled. The easy ones come easy only because we matter-of-fact KNOW, zero doubt, that of course it's happening. Be more intentional in your everyday. Set intentions and visualize them happening when you wake up in the morning. Try intentions where you put in effort, and try intentions where they will just happen for you. Sweet spot is in balancing between Knowing and Flowing after we set our intentions. Our purpose waits in our natural interests and curiousities Formulate your Ultimate Vision in life, then work backwards Blend your interests when creating your ultimate vision Ultimate Vision: one big life moment including EVERYTHING you want, to have and to be and to experience EXTENDED VERSION for remaining tips:   0:00 Introduction 1:19 Clarifying Goals 3:47 Practice Daily Intentions 5:58 Your Ultimate Vision   ↓ BECOME A MEMBER ↓ Exploring human dynamics (self, social, spiritual) with Ariel Niu   CONNECT: Content Memberships - Instagram - TikTok - 'Views of Niu' Podcast via Spotify - 'Views of Niu' Podcast via Apple - The NiuViews Shop - Website -   ABOUT ARIEL NIU @niu.views: My name is Ariel Niu, I am a creator and speaker with a million in my online community. I help people see the unseen connections between people, in consciousness, and within our mind-body-spirit (through self, social, spiritual development).   #goalsetting #successmindset #selfmastery #lifehacks #niuviews #personaldevelopment #visionboard #manifestation101 #consciousentrepreneur #consciouswaystoconnect #careeradvice  

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