How to be SHARP + CONFIDENT (without Aggression)

New Views with Ariel Niu - Ein Podcast von Ariel Niu

Techniques and examples for you to be sharp, with confidence and balance. DOWNLOAD SCENARIO APP FOR FREE: Scripts + visualizations to help you prep for upcoming social interactions.   BOOK 1:1 COACHING WITH ME:   0:00 When does Sharpness backfire? 0:32 Superior vs Inferior vs Balanced 1:42 How to be Definitive 3:21 Detached Sharpness 3:54 Speak from 'I' 5:23 App for Social Scripts 7:17 Regulation Technique 9:46 Balancing Tonality 10:57 Power of Trust 11:43 Feel-Good Nonchalance 12:48 More Resources   CONNECT: Book 1:1 Coaching -  Workplace Boundaries Scripts - Instagram (join my channel) - TikTok (join my lives) - Inquiries - [email protected]   ABOUT: My name is Ariel Niu. I share views and guidance on social dynamics and human interactions through understanding our emotions, expressions, and energy. I also share concepts on how everything and everyone is connected. Since 2018, I have been practicing using my own inner state to change outer experiences and people. I love creating content about human connections, and I am grateful and excited to help those who resonate with my messages. #communicationskills #selfdevelopment #lifehacks #podcasts #selfexpression #socialskills #socialdynamics #assertivecommunication #confidence #peoplepleaser #selfmastery #communicationtips #relationships #socialanxiety #niuviews  

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