Reclaiming Veterans Day

Veterans for Peace Radio Hour - Ein Podcast von jim wohlgemuth - Mittwochs

Until 1954 November 11 was Armistice Day, a day to celebrate and work for peace.  Then President Eisenhower changed it to a day to honor veterans and that is when the military industrial complex stepped in.  Today Veterans are generally given an obligatory nod and maybe a wreath while we have a salute to militarism disguised as salute to service.  You have seen it kids in camo, fly overs at football games, provocative advertising (be part of our team) during football games for those who could not make the team on the field, color guards, military equip shows and air shows.  Oh there might be parades for Veterans but what is celebrated?  Militarism.   Militarism has taken over this country quietly and covertly starting with Reagan then George W landed on a carrier keeping the sailors an extra day out at see while their families and loved ones waited on shore.  This show starts to address this and maybe lend itself to exposing where this country is heading.

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