9 | Natasha's drug-free VBAC with a special scar after an emergency caesarean following 3 day labour, epidural and Pitocin drip; posterior and transverse babies, doula, COVID-19 postpartum, Public Hos

VBAC Birth Stories - Ein Podcast von Melissa Merino & Stephanie Cannavo


Today we meet Natasha who is a mother of two living in Sydney. Natasha experienced an early miscarriage before falling pregnant a second time with her daughter. She laboured for three and a half days, eventually receiving an epidural and experiencing augmentation of labour with the synthetic oxytocin hormone drip. She had progressed through labour to the point where her baby was crowning when doctors performed the caesarean. Her baby weighed 4.38kg. Her daughter was separated from her at birth but despite this Natasha was able to have a positive breastfeeding experience. She experienced some postpartum baby blues and speaks candidly about this and what goes on for many women who experience a few days of difficulty following birth.Natasha discovered late in her VBAC pregnancy she had a J incision which was classed as a special scar, and deemed her at greater risk to pursue a VBAC. The public hospital she was at refused to support her attempting a VBAC, despite being told by a doctor following her emergency caesarean that she could try for a VBAC in the future. Her baby was also found to be in the transverse-lie position around the same time of her special scar discovery.Listen to how Natasha bravely met with these obstacles, ultimately changing care providers at 35 weeks and experiencing a swift unmedicated VBAC with her son who was 4.04kg.Natasha gave birth the day before the COVID-19 restriction of limiting support people in labour and birth to one person was enforced. She shares with us what her postpartum experience has been like as a young family of four in isolation.~ Notes ~https://specialscars.org**VBAC Birth Stories features women's lived experiences. It is not intended to replace medical advice. Should you have any concerns during your pregnancy please always consult your healthcare provider.Follow us on Facebook or Instagram @vbacbirthstories