34 | Lara's positive gentle caesarean due to breech positioning + drug-free VBAC; PCOS, Miscarriage, Shoulder Dystocia, Velamentous Cord, MGP, Doula, Public Hospital

VBAC Birth Stories - Ein Podcast von Melissa Merino & Stephanie Cannavo


“Prepare your body and mind to achieve your VBAC and then let go of your attachment to the outcome.”If anyone knows how to fight the good fight its Sydney based mother of two and human rights lawyer, Lara.As a VBAC hopeful Lara was fastidious in her birth preparation but in the end the events which unfolded took her and her care providers by surprise. Despite the rare occurrence of velamentous cord insertion and shoulder dystocia Lara achieved her VBAC and a positive birth outcome against all odds.Thankfully in both of her births she was treated with dignity, respect and the exceptional standard of care we have come to recognise from care providers who are on the pulse of birthing women’s needs. As we hear from so many of you the difference this can make cannot be underestimated.Her first baby was breech and after two unsuccessful ECV’s Lara had a trial of labor followed by a gentle caesarean. Despite the positive surgery Lara could not help but feel disappointment following her first birth and she discusses the complexity of this for caesarean mothers.Determined by nature, Lara researched and prepared extensively before both of her births, but it seems the one thing that both experiences taught her is that you can’t control every aspect of what unravels but you can shape your own view of the circumstances and there’s some true wisdom that I’m sure we can all take from Lara’s two birth stories.Throughout her story you’ll hear how Lara mixes this determined grit with a calm and articulate approach to her public hospital birthing experiences, both under case load midwifery care.Motherhood has taught us all that no matter what you prepare for our babies will have a different plan and at times this is unpredictable. Lara calls on us to bear witness to the beauty in surrendering to the most ordinary of moments with our babies.