21 | Kristi's drug-free VBAC with a 4.75kg/10 lbs. baby following emergency caesarean after induction for Cholestasis; PTSD, Posterior babies, Doula, MGP, Public Hospitals

VBAC Birth Stories - Ein Podcast von Melissa Merino & Stephanie Cannavo


In this episode we meet Kristi, a mum of two living with her husband and two boys in Brisbane. In Kristi’s first birth she was recommended an induction due to Obstetric Cholestasis (liver disorder presented in pregnancy which causes itchiness). Despite dilating to 10cm and reaching the pushing phase of labour, Kristi was taken into theatre for an emergency caesarean. She did not know what actually caused her caesarean until years later.After a difficult start to breastfeeding which involved a tongue tie, Kristi was diagnosed one year after her birth with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and she bravely and honestly shares the forms this took with her and her coping mechanisms to deal with the psychological trauma inflicted by her first birth. Sadly up to 1 in 10 Australian women emerge from their birth with PTSD.Kristi understandably really struggled with the decision on whether or not to book an elective caesarean or go for a VBAC during her second pregnancy. This was compounded by a meeting with an obstetrician who gave her a less than 40% chance of having a successful VBAC as he suspected she may have a narrow pelvis. But ultimately, with the support of her husband, her primary midwife from her public hospital’s Midwifery Group Practice (MGP), and her doula, Kristi went on to naturally birth her 4.75kg (10 lbs.) baby.~ Notes ~Resources Kristi used:Book by Dr. Kristin Neff:https://self-compassion.orgBirth education:https://evidencebasedbirth.comDoula:https://www.idealbirth.com.auBirth Trauma and PTSD support:PANDAhttps://www.panda.org.au/info-support/after-birth/child-birth-traumaCOPEhttps://www.cope.org.au/preparing-for-birth/things-dont-go-plan/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-2/The Gidget Foundationhttps://gidgetfoundation.org.au/get-support/,Beyond Bluehttps://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-supportPregnancy Loss:https://www.bearsofhope.org.auhttps://rednosegriefandloss.org.auhttps://miscarriagesupport.org.au**VBAC Birth Stories features women's lived experiences. It is not intended to replace medical advice. Should you have any concerns during your pregnancy please always consult your healthcare provider.Please connect with us on Facebook or Instagram: @vbacbirthstories