047: The Web is Neither Good or Bad…nor is it Neutral. It’s an Amplifier with Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith reveals how the web is neither good or bad, nor neutral, but an amplifier. He inspires us to not let the future be just something that happens to us, but rather something we make with the small things we do today. He encourages us to build software ethically with our users’ psychological vulnerabilities in mind. He motivates us to not build on rented land, but to publish using the superpower of our own URLs. He also shows us how looking to the past is just as important as looking to the future.

  • Iron Man Photo Story (4:43)
  • On Net Neutrality (13:31)
  • What's "Adactio"? (20:44)
  • Is the Internet Good or Evil? (24:41)
  • Hippocratic Oath for Software Designers (35:51)
  • Resilient Web Design (49:06)
  • Why do you Love the Web so Much? (54:26)
  • The Power and Generosity of the Community (63:05)
  • What Comes Next? (71:34)
  • Listener Question? (73:44)
  • Last Words to the Builders of the Web (74:18)
  • Contact Info (80:15)

Check out the detailed show notes and Eli Jorgensen’s astonishing superhero artwork at userdefenders.com/047

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Being a great UX designer begins and ends with being a great human. We can't pour an empty cup into another. We can’t lead others where we are not. This UX podcast helps UX’ers become the best, most powerful designers (and humans) they can be. Yes, you'll discover how-to’s, but much more importantly you'll discover why-to’s. Every episode is sure to inspire and equip you on how to better fight for your users and business, and dare I say change the world (even if only for one human at a time) in a much deeper and more tangible way than you ever thought possible.