Love Is On The Other Side Of Fear

Love is letting go of all fear. The fear of failure, rejection, and even the fear of releasing one’s false God – the martyr, the victim self-image that the world has told us we are. Love is to know who you are and not to be afraid of it. Love is to turn your back on the world and all of its lies. To throw off all of the mantles we have acquired on our journies and to be what we are – despite the objections, complaints, and attempts to tear us down from others. The foolish, ignorant, and fearful will tell you this is wrong. These individuals will say to you are made of stone, that you are cold and bitter. But be aware and observe them closely, for you will see that they are full of fear, afraid to release their death grip on the rock of fear, that they are scared to be themselves. Remember, your life belongs to you; it is a gift from God, and “true love” would understand and encourage this truth, for they would want the same thing for themselves. So, as hard as it might be, as afraid as you may be, take a deep breath, let go of your fears and your past, and release into the warm, fluid stream of love; release into the only actual reality and watch the miracle of transformation begin. Listen in as I share the truths of personal transformation from my discoveries of walking away from violence and abuse and onto the path of being genuinely free of those cycles. Follow and engage with me on:

Om Podcasten

Are you ready to break free from your painful cycle of fear and self-doubt caused by past traumas that have held you captive for far too long, reclaim your power, and begin to live the life you have been dreaming of for so long? Subscribe to Shift Your Perspective, the podcast that helps you confidently confront those past cycles of abuse and the overwhelming grip of fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame, guiding you toward a life lived with unapologetic and unshakable self-confidence, inner peace and joy, to turn your dream into a reality. Shift Your Perspective isn't just another self-help podcast filled with ego-fluffing and fleeting 'feel-good' highs; it's about cultivating a mindset that creates lasting resilience, strength, and unshakable self-belief; it's a show for those who dare to leave their past behind and defy the status quo of inherited limiting beliefs; it's a show for those who desire true personal freedom not dependant on others doing right by us. This podcast is your lifeboat in the ocean of self-help content, flooded with fake gurus; it will help you navigate the treacherous waters of self-discovery and emerge on the shores of genuine and permanent transformation – no more flaying about and drowning in the sea of self-discovery, but guidance toward finally achieving personal transformation in your mindset and self-worth that will lead you into a new life that few ever reach. Expect episodes filled with candid conversation and unconventional perspectives that challenge typical thinking around creating self-love and self-confidence. These episodes will dare you to think for yourself – it's time to stop seeking validation outside of yourself, to stop settling for a life dictated by the projected fear of others and their opinions about you – it's time to break through the barriers of inherited negative self-images and self-doubt and confidently live your life on your terms, following the guidance of your inner voice and intuition. Are you ready to take back your life, leave behind ghosts of karmic ancestral patterns of self-doubt, and step into the brilliant truth of who you are? Subscribe to Shift Your Perspective now and embark on a journey to reshape how you view yourself and the world around you. Your transformation begins here.