U n' I with Rashmi Shetty- Tim Bunting
U n' I with Rashmi Shetty - Ein Podcast von Rashmi Shetty

This is episode number 105 & guest number 99. An article in the Speaking tree column of the Times of India Introduced me to the concept of Uketamo and quoted Yamabushi Tim Bunting who was born in New Zealand. After graduating from International University (IPC) located in Palmerston North, New Zealand, he applied for the JET Program run by the Japanese government and was sent to Shonai as an assistant language teacher. Tim also holds a master's degree in applied linguistics from the Victoria University of Wellington and currently teaches English at Tohoku University of Community Service and Science. In addition to his teaching career, he has also made a name for himself as the "Kiwi Yamabushi" and works fervently to promote both the charm of the Dewa Sanzan as well as Yamabushi culture abroad on both his YouTube channel and his blog. Listen in as he shares about the mystical qualities of everything Japanese, the mountains, The people, the food, Uketamo, Zen meditation, & being a Yamabushi. Learn more at https://timbunting.com/