Type 40 • A Doctor Who Podcast #79: Northern Star

It’s an incredible 17 years since the casting of Salford born actor Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. Breaking the mould and heralding the biggest comeback in fantasy TV history! He was gone faster than he arrived, of course. Chris’s sudden departure from the role stung the fanbase and has fascinated the media since. Now in 2021 he’s returned, on audio this time. For Big Finish Productions in a major series of new releases. On this episode we unapologetically celebrate this powerful, passionate actors time on the series. Reliving the countdown to Series 1 and geeking out over our favourite “fantastic” moments. Unearthing quotes from the man himself before hearing details about what adventures lay ahead on this first volume of new adventures! Download or stream direct, here…

Om Podcasten

Type 40 is a Doctor Who Podcast from The Spacebook for The Fandom Podcast Network. On this show we take an in depth and extra-dimensional look at this beloved television series. The spin offs, the merchandise, even the fandom itself. Doctor Who's gone from home grown, family favourite to international entertainment legend. Shaping the landscape of the whole science-fiction and fantasy genre along the way for nearly 6 decades! Now step into our TARDIS to share these journeys and conversations here on Type 40: A fun, mix of reviews, interviews and feature episodes. With a regular panel of voices of all ages, from all over the world. United in their love of this adventure in space and time... Type 40 is available across all relative pod catchers and streaming platforms dimensions. Download or stream to listen and rock out with your Doc' out! Feedback via our social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.