67: Female Friendships: Why They’re Hard, Friendship Expectations and Growing Apart From Friends With Lauren Raymond

PLEASE WELCOME TRYING NOT TO CARE'S VERY FIRST GUEST....LAUREN RAYMOND!!! Lauren and I talk about our experience with female friendships and friendship breakups. In today's episode we dive into why we think female friendships are hard, expectations and non non-negotiables, growing apart from friends and friendship icks. This episode is sponsored by ZocDoc - Go to Zocdoc.com/TRYINGNOT and download the Zocdoc app for FREE This episode is sponsored by Tinder - On Tinder, it starts with a Swipe. Download Tinder today and explore all of the possibilities for yourself. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tinder-dating-new-people/id547702041 ♡MY SOCIALS♡ Instagram: personal, podcast TikTok: personal, podcast Youtube Revolve, Amazon Storefront + more: LTX TNTC COMMUNITY GROUPCHAT: https://app.geneva.com/invite/4939298b-477b-4d4b-a32a-0b82431273bf If you want to ask me questions, need advice or have any episode ideas, submit here: TNTC Community Google Form Follow Lauren!  https://www.instagram.com/itslaurenraymond/?hl=en https://www.tiktok.com/@itslaurenraymond?lang=en

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I’ve always been vocal about my emotions and my thoughts but I never felt like I was being heard. I’ve been told way too many times, “You are so sensitive” or “You’re too much.” Trying Not to Care is my not-so-personal diary where I share anything and everything. I share my thoughts and experiences with friendship breakups, bad relationships, navigating my 20s, quitting my job, following my dreams and more. Tune in every Monday for a quick therapy session with me. Follow Ashley on Instagram and TikTok Instagram: @ashleycorbo (https://www.instagram.com/ashleycorbo/) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.instagram.com/tryingnottocarepodcast/) TikTok: @lilbabyaries (https://www.tiktok.com/@lilbabyaries) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.tiktok.com/@tryingnottocarepodcast)